BJ Land

I’ve been watching vintage gay porn for the past two weeks as research for a project BUTT is involved in that’ll be announced in the fall. One of my main sources when getting ideas for porno films to watch is the blog BJ Land, run by a jockstrap-sniffing porno-phile who lives in the East Village in New York and whose name is definitely not BJ.

BJ posts reviews of his favorite ’70s and ’80s porn, clips and trailers, photo stills, and his own ‘gay-porno crazed ramblings’. There’s also a list of his favorite directors and the hard-to-find porn films he’s still looking for. There are a lot of gay porn blogs out there, but somehow BJ’s is personal and charming enough to work. Reading his posts, you get the sense BJ grew up watching these films and sees the individual merit in each corny narrative and hot pairing. Add BJ Land to your Google Reader if you dare…

Published on 15 July 2009